
I Yalo Tabu ni toro mai | Come Holy Spirit

Penitiko (Pentecost) which celebrates sovaraki ni Yalo Tabu (outpouring of the Holy Spirit) is celebrated by all the denominations in Fiji. Fr Jeke Maikali, one of our contributors writes:

“Speaking from my experience as an Anglican minister, in two parishes I served in, Pentecost was a big feast and small centers combined to celebrate it. Inside the church, the altar linens are red to symbolize the colour of the Holy Spirit. Each family will bring a plate of food to share for refreshment after the service and there will be a Pentecost cake which will be provided by the vestry or someone from the congregation. Sometimes church members decorate the church with balloons. Youth/Sunday School will perform an item during this special day.”

A Zealand Prayer Book / He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa has various parts of the liturgy available in Fijian. You can access it electronically here.

Two songs that are particularly well known are “Come Holy Spirit I Need You” and “Yalo Tabu, vuni dina” (Holy Spirit, Found of Wisdom). A full range of Fijian language resources is available here.

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